5 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated

Are you struggling with motivation? No matter what time of year it is, who you are or where you are, you will at some point experience lack of motivation, it happens to all of us and is completely normal. The most important thing is do not stress! And if you do find yourself in this situation, try following these simple steps to help you get back into a routine…

Schedule Your Workouts

Plan your workouts for the week, whether it’s running, yoga, weight training, personal training or a class. And if for some unplanned reason you can’t stick to your schedule, try not to stress too much, things come up and that is life! If you can, try and reschedule for another day but if not, move on and stick to the rest of the week.

Pack Your Kit

If you find you’re getting home after work and settling down to get comfy for the evening instead of sticking to your planned schedule, pack your kit bag the night before and take it to work with you and I can guarantee you will be less likely to skip your workout!

Find Something You Enjoy

Of course it’s good to push yourself outside your comfort zone, but make sure you find something you enjoy doing and you’ll be more likely to stick to it.

Train With a Friend

Schedule a workout or go to a class with a friend and you will be less inclined to cancel than going alone.

Reassess Your Goals

Are you aiming for a certain weight or size? Rather than a specific weight loss or aesthetic goal, try focusing on something performance based eg, performing bodyweight pull ups, entering a 10k run or even just aiming to consistently get 2-3 workouts in a week (make sure it’s realistic for your schedule) and this will help make you more accountable and keep you on track.

Make sure you’re setting yourself realistic targets and don’t stress if things don’t go to plan, as I always say to my clients - life happens! Let me know if you’ve got any other tips to share and if you’ve got any questions at all, please get in touch.