What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage is hugely beneficial for anyone engaging in regular exercise or sports, the purpose is to relieve muscular tension which can help alleviate pain, increase flexibility and improve posture.

Sports massage therapy uses several different massage techniques to manipulate soft tissue in the body, to help to promote blood flow and to increase drainage which can reduce tension, help enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.

Sports massage is useful for anyone suffering from muscle tightness, aches and pains or limited range of movement. Even if you don’t regularly participate in sport or exercise, any sort of repetitive movements or stress related tension can lead to muscular imbalances that can benefit from sports massage.

Why Have Sports Massage?

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Reduced muscle tension

Reduced pain

Increased flexibility

Increased blood flow to soft tissue

Improved drainage to aid recovery

Reduced risk of injury

Improved posture

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Common Problems to Treat:

Aches and pains from sport or exercise

Muscular tension and stiffness

Back, neck and shoulder pain

Postural issues

ITB pain

Stress related tension



60 min
(consultation included within first session)
30 min
(consultation included within first session)


I offer a mobile Sports Massage service in Bournemouth, Boscombe and Southbourne  - please contact me with enquiries outside these areas.


Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, we will discuss your reason for seeking a sports massage, medical history, lifestyle, injuries, contraindications and any symptoms. This will allow the most appropriate and most beneficial treatment to be carried out. I talk you through the massage process and work with you to create a treatment plan.


After discussing your needs I will carry out a postural analysis and physical assessment to determine any specific areas that may need additional work. I will always ensure that you’re happy to go ahead before proceeding with the actual massage.


I will use a range of massage techniques with the aim of increasing blood flow to the muscles by applying a varying range of pressures. I will keep you informed and ask for your feedback throughout so although at times it may feel uncomfortable, you will always be in control of how much pressure is applied.

Aftercare Advice

The following precautions are advised post massage:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Refrain from any high impact exercise for the rest of the day
  • If you feel fatigued then rest
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Depending on the nature of your visit and/or injury, I will be able to advise stretches and rehabilitation/maintenance exercises for you. Personal Training could also be beneficial to help you maximise recovery and even further enhance your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you qualified and insured?

Yes - I’m a qualified Level 3 Sports Massage therapist with the relevant insurance

Do I have to have a consultation?

Yes - this is included within the first session, it must be carried out to ensure there are no contraindications that would prevent the massage being carried out.

Do I need to be a sports person?

No - sports massage can be beneficial for anyone suffering from muscle tightness, chronic pain or postural issues, especially those with desk jobs or working with lots of repetitive movements.

What should I wear?

It is advisable that you wear loose fitting clothing such as shorts & t-shirt. Depending on the treatment area, some clothing may need to be removed to allow access directly onto the skin but a towel will be used throughout to cover any areas not being worked on. This will all be discussed during the consultation to make sure you’re comfortable and happy with proceedings.

Is Sports Massage painful?

There can be points of discomfort throughout the massage due to tension in the muscles but I will always ask for feedback throughout to check the pressure is ok and if at any point you feel too uncomfortable I can stop straight away and/or reduce the pressure. There can also be some stiffness and discomfort after the massage but this shows the body is responding to the treatment and this should subside within 24-48 hours.

What does an appointment involve?

The first appointment will involve a consultation and postural analysis in order to devise a treatment plan. Once consent is received the massage will begin, with communication throughout to ensure you are comfortable. After the treatment I may suggest stretches or exercises to assist with recovery.

If follow up appointments are required a re-assessment will occur each time to ensure treatment is relevant.