Are you recovering from injury or undergoing rehab? Do you have areas of weakness or areas prone to injury? Do you suffer from back pain? Do you need to improve your mobility? Is your movement restricted due to previous injuries? Does your posture need improving?

If any of the above apply to you then Personal Training could be perfect to assist your rehab or to improve your mobility and range of movement in general. We will assess where you’re currently at; any restrictions, limitations or weaknesses and tailor training around this. We will incorporate exercises that will improve your core stability and posture, as well as specific or targeted areas that need strengthening.

Exercises will be low impact and effective for both recovery and mobility and we will develop and build on these as you progress through your training, ensuring correct technique is always learned and performed for each exercise before progressing.

If you’re ready to advance your rehab, improve your mobility or reduce pain and really maximise what your body can do then please get in touch.

Been having sessions with Rebecca for 4 months now and she is amazing. She has helped me in my rehabilitation from ACL knee surgery, pushing and encouraging me. She was quick at accessing my ability and strengths and provides fun and challenging sessions each week :) Rebecca has made me have confidence in exercising and made me actually enjoy working out each week!
— Stephanie